Heart Coherence, as described by the HeartMath Institute, is a state of alignment involving the heart, mind, emotions, and physical systems. The institute offers tools and technologies based on over 30 years of scientific research to teach individuals how to achieve coherence and harness its benefits. Activating heart qualities like care, kindness, and acceptance leads to Personal Coherence, reducing mental and emotional pressure and enhancing decision-making and resilience. Personal Coherence is transmitted through one’s energetic field, positively affecting others. Social Coherence taps into collective heart intelligence, improving group effectiveness, communication, and problem-solving. As individuals and groups cultivate heart coherence, it sets the stage for a collective momentum known as Global Coherence, with the potential to uplift consciousness on a global scale (HeartMath Institute, 2016).

Definitions of Coherence (taken from Science of the Heart: Exploring the Role of the Heart in Human Performance: An Overview of Research Conducted by the HeartMath Institute)

  • Clarity of thought, speech and emotional composure
    The quality of being orderly, consistent and intelligible (e.g. a coherent sentence).
  • Synchronization or entrainment between multiple waveforms
    A constructive waveform produced by two or more waves that are phase- or frequency-locked.
  • Order within a singular oscillatory waveform
    An ordered or constructive distribution of power content within a single waveform; autocoherence (e.g. sine wave).

According to the HeartMath Institute study found here (Heart-Rhythm Pattern of an Individual), It takes as little as two minutes to achieve mental, emotional and physical balance (HeartMath Institute, n.d.).

Not sure where to begin? Sign up for a Free Let Go and Grow® Membership with instant access to the heart-based practice, a simple 3 min. meditation and a wellness workshop designed to optimize mental health and well-being, sign up right here- no strings attached!

Book A Free Holistic Consultation

If you have questions or are unsure of where to begin, feel free to book a free consultation, where Dr. Brooke Stuart can guide you to the best of her ability inside or outside the practice and programs!

Check out our Mind Body Reset right here. This 6 week course is where you will have the opportunity to send your mind and body an empowering, new message of safety and peace through your presence and the same mindset, diet, lifestyle techniques and holistic therapies that I use in my private practice- as you establish a new baseline for your health and well-being and build a relationship with it based on the truth about healing.

For a FREE 7 Day Mind Body Reset, check here!

For more information, support and a tried and true springboard that can help you address the fundamentals and unlock your power to heal, make sure to schedule a free holistic consultation and check out letgoandgrow.com! To learn more about holistic healthcare and working with Dr. Brooke in private practice, check here.

More From Dr. Brooke

Dr. Brooke Stuart is the Founder of Let Go & Grow®, Co-Founder of Lead Lab, and a holistic doctor in private practice, where she works with a unique combination of holistic counseling and functional medicine to personalize treatment plans for her patients as she partners with them to unlock their own, intrinsic ability to heal! She works with patients locally in Orlando, FL, and virtually worldwide. She also works with groups, families, couples and children upon request to address the root cause of a wide range of health issues including but not limited to: stress-related disorders, thyroid and hormonal imbalances, blood sugar dysregulation, compromised detoxification, gastrointestinal and cardiometabolic issues, and more.

  • For more on her private practice, check here.
  • To book Dr. Brooke to speak or work with your team or organization, check here.
  • To read more about Dr. Brooke Stuart’s journey into holistic medicine, professional and functional medicine training, affiliations, and credentials, check here.


Science of the Heart: Exploring the Role of the Heart in Human Performance. HeartMath Institute. (2016). https://www.heartmath.org/research/science-of-the-heart/coherence/

Heartmath Appreciation Tool and Exercises. HeartMath Institute. (n.d.). https://www.heartmath.org/resources/heartmath-tools/heartmath-appreciation-tool-and-exercises/