The Rat Park study, led by Bruce K. Alexander and colleagues, challenged traditional views on addiction by creating a more natural environment for rats. The study suggested that social and cultural isolation, rather than the inherent addictiveness of drugs, played a crucial role in addiction.
In the study, researchers compared the drug intake of rats housed in a reasonably normal environment 24 hours a day with rats kept in isolation in the solitary confinement cages that were standard in those days.
The rats in Rat Park, called the “Social Females” and “Social Males” in graph data, are consuming hardly any morphine solution, but the “Caged Females” and “Caged Males” are consuming a great quantity. In this experiment, the females consumed more than the males, but that gender difference did not hold up in later experiments (Alexander, 2010).
By presenting a more comprehensive understanding of drug addiction in rats, the study advocates for a shift in focus from the substances themselves to the broader environmental factors influencing addictive behaviors. The researchers published their results in psychopharmacology journals to challenge the prevailing narrative and encourage a more nuanced perspective on addiction, both in rodents and potentially in humans.
For these concepts applied, check out our immersive self-study in our Mind Body Reset program or our Foundations program for continuous exploration and support!
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Dr. Brooke Stuart is the Founder of Let Go & Grow®, Co-Founder of Lead Lab, and a holistic doctor in private practice, where she works with a unique combination of holistic counseling and functional medicine to personalize treatment plans for her patients as she partners with them to unlock their own, intrinsic ability to heal! She works with patients locally in Orlando, FL, and virtually worldwide. She also works with groups, families, couples and children upon request to address the root cause of a wide range of health issues including but not limited to: stress-related disorders, thyroid and hormonal imbalances, blood sugar dysregulation, compromised detoxification, gastrointestinal and cardiometabolic issues, and more.
- For more on her private practice, check here.
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- To read more about Dr. Brooke Stuart’s journey into holistic medicine, professional and functional medicine training, affiliations, and credentials, check here.
Alexander, B. K. (2010). Rat Park Study. Addiction: The View from Rat Park (2010).
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