On Alcohol

It is important to acknowledge that being mindful of our relationship with alcohol plays a role in our overall health- alcohol is a natural part of many people’s life experiences, and it’s up to each one of us to evaluate our relationship with it, which can range depending on genetic predisposition and also previous experiences. The intentionality in how we go about drinking is key to take ownership of because it directly impacts the substance of itself. It is also important to be aware of your experiences the next day (Are you more anxious? Hungry? How are your blood sugar levels?). Don’t avoid your experiences, but rather observe and work with them so that you can put real solutions into place. This can help allow you to socialize, so you can come out of events in a more accelerated, expansive way without having to recover and come from behind for weeks to come!

Many people only associate the alcohol-related pain with the next day- but if you look objectively you will see that the pain is yes, associated with the next day and then it typically lingers throughout the week in the form of feeling behind, low energy, having to recover and catch up on day 2-3-4-5-6 and at that point, you may find yourself drinking again never fully experiencing your potential. Now there are ways to moderate according to your body, whether that is to take a certain supplement protocol or stick to a certain beverage as we discuss below. However for some, this may mean not drinking at all- as long as we begin to see each choice and the impact or consequences as one in the same and not separate, we can begin to engage informed consent when it comes to our individual relationship with alcohol.

If you are having a hard time with alcohol, it’s also important to become aware and begin to understand how and why we are getting in our own way- not in a judgmental way but from a place of observation and empowerment. For example, are we using certain substances or behavior to avoid or bury experiences, has it become a form of distraction? It’s okay if we are- but the moment we begin to see what, how and why we are truly up to what we are up to- we begin to take our power back and break the pattern. So as awareness comes, let it in, let it process and let it change the way you enter into and see the world.

Studies On The Aging Effects Of Alcohol

This study in the journal of Nature showed that the brains of people that drank three alcoholic units a day (about 9 ounces of wine) had reductions in both white and gray matter, and it looked like they had added 3.5 years to the ages of their brain. People who drank four alcoholic units a night (about two 16 ounce cans of beer) aged the brain by more than 10 years. The study was the largest of its kind looking at 36,000 people! If you choose to drink, the data suggests to stay under 3 to 4 drinks a week.

According to this Northwestern Medicine study, researchers found that consuming certain types of alcohol over long periods of time as well as binge drinking both speed up biological aging. The study found that compared to beer, liquor had an approximately 2.5 times greater effect on biological aging and daily consumption of liquor for five years was associated with a four month acceleration in biological aging. These findings illustrate that the type of alcohol consumed may impact the aging process differently.

When you do decide to drink, it’s important to be present and mindful while doing so- if you are having trouble with this, that is also important to take into consideration. You can allow yourself to enjoy the experience for what it is, and know that it will always remain a prevalent part of many adults’ lives- whether that be in your personal or even professional relationships, it is a social factor. It may be normal for your friends and colleagues to complain about being tired and hungover- but it certainly does not have to be normal for you. You are too smart for that- so use own your intelligence and apply it here!

Tips For Drinking Alcohol Mindfully

Making informed choices about what and how much to drink can help mitigate some of the risks involved with alcohol. If you are planning to enjoy a drink, here are some tips for opting for slightly healthier options.

  • Opt for lower alcohol varieties: This is a great way to cut down on alcohol intake- just by simply choosing beverages with lower alcohol content.
  • Choosing mixers wisely: Be mindful of what you mix your alcohol with as sugary syrups or beverages can contribute to negative health effects. Instead, opt for mixers like sparkling water or freshly squeezed fruit juice for a lighter, more refreshing option.
  • Moderation is the key!: It can be easy to get carried away in social settings, but remember that moderation is essential and knowing that everyone’s tolerance for alcohol is different- so really pay attention to how alcohol affects you personally. Always listen to your body’s signals, if you start to feel unwell, consider switching to water or another non-alcoholic beverage.
  • Stay hydrated: Alcohol is a diuretic, meaning it can lead to dehydration if consumed in excess. To counteract this effect, make sure to drink plenty of water alongside alcoholic beverages. See below for electrolyte options to help with this!


Gluten-Free Beer: Look for beers labeled specifically as gluten-free. Brands like Omission Brewing Co., Glutenberg, and Ghostfish Brewing Company offer gluten-free beer options made from ingredients like sorghum, rice, millet, and buckwheat.

Cider: Hard cider is naturally gluten-free and dairy-free, making it an excellent option. Look for ciders made from 100% apple or pear juice without added sugars or artificial flavors.

Wine: Opt for red, white, or rosé wines made from grapes without any added ingredients. Be cautious with flavored wines or wine coolers, as they may contain added sugars or other additives.

Spirits: Many distilled spirits are naturally gluten-free and dairy-free, including vodka, rum, tequila, gin, and brandy. However, it’s essential to check the label and ensure that no gluten-containing grains or unnecessary additives were used in the distillation process. Brands like Tito’s Handmade Vodka, Ciroc, and Bacardi are known for their gluten-free options.

Mixed Drinks: When enjoying mixed drinks, stick to simple cocktails made with gluten-free spirits. Cocktails like vodka soda with lime, tequila with fresh fruit juice, or rum and coconut water are delicious options!

Remember that it is about finding a balance that works for you. So, the next time that you raise a glass, do so with intention and choose healthier options for a happier, healthier drinking experience!

Alcohol-Free Options

In a world where social gatherings and celebrations often revolve around alcoholic beverages, it’s easy to feel limited when opting for an alcohol-free lifestyle. However, the reality is far from restrictive. The landscape of alcohol-free options has expanded exponentially in recent years, offering a diverse array of drinks that are just as satisfying and sophisticated as their alcoholic counterparts. From refreshing mocktails to artisanal alcohol-free beers and wines, the options are endless for those seeking flavorful alternatives sans the booze. Here are some of our favorite alcohol-free alternatives!

Mocktails also offer a refreshing alternative to alcoholic beverages, allowing everyone to join in the fun of social gatherings without the effects of alcohol. With their creative blend of flavors and vibrant presentations, mocktails provide a delightful experience for those seeking a flavorful, alcohol-free option. For more on this including our favorite recipes, check our article here!

Preventing Hangovers With Supplements

For supplement basics, we strongly recommend looking into the core supplement protocol for men and women (see our Practical Guide to Supplements + Fullscript). From there, I would look into adding the following throughout the day and night for an optimal, hangover-free experience. All information, including precise dosages, can be found in our online supplement dispensary Fullscript for 15% off!

  • B-complex: B vitamins are often depleted when drinking alcohol, make sure to support your system through a comprehensive high-quality multivitamin or a b-complex the morning after.
  • NAC: NAC is a precursor to glutathione, a master antioxidant, and it has been found to support liver health, regulate blood sugar, renew and rebuild cellular function and unhook addictive behavior and support mental health.
  • Activated Charcoal: One activated charcoal capsule can be taken with each drink- in combination with water-activated charcoal can bind to toxicants to assist the body in processing any excess and irregularities.
  • DHM: Dihydromyricetin activates a cascade of mechanisms that erase alcohol from your body quickly, which can benefit your liver. DHM helps the body metabolize alcohol faster, offsetting alcohol-related effects and long-term risks. Fuller Health After Party is composed of pure dihydromyricetin, a natural extract that may help break down the toxic by-product of alcohol (acetaldehyde) responsible for the miserable feeling experienced the day after drinking.
  • Electrolytes (as seen in Fullscript under “hydration”): Electrolytes play an important role in rehydration after alcohol consumption by replenishing essential minerals lost through diuresis. These charged ions, such as sodium, potassium, and magnesium, help regulate fluid balance, muscle function, and nerve signaling, aiding in the body’s recovery process. Integrating electrolyte-rich beverages or supplements can assist in restoring hydration levels and alleviating symptoms of dehydration post-drinking. I’ve been enjoying BEAM Minerals lately as it contains completely natural plant-based fulvic and humic complexes.
  • DAO and additional enzymes and blood sugar regulators (as seen in Fullscript): These items can assist the system in breaking down histamine, optimizing functionality and release. Many people overeat the next day as an effort to regulate the system but this becomes unnecessary when we feel level and still.

Alcohol-Free & Sobriety Resources


Whatever your plans are for this year, we truly hope that this article could help your experiences with alcohol be a little more calm and bright. For extra support and the opportunity to connect with others implementing a gluten-free or dairy-free diet, please check out Let Go & Grow®’s Mind Body Reset. In the Mind Body Reset, Dr. Brooke Stuart will be there to guide you through every step of the way, healing your system through fundamental shifts in mindset, diet, lifestyle, and other natural methods. You will also be able to engage in an elimination provocation diet to personalize and tailor a diet that works for you.

You can also schedule a free holistic consultation with Dr. Brooke Stuart- we would love to help you in any way that we can and hope to connect with you soon!