Noise Comes In Many Forms

In this episode of heartbeat, Dr. Brooke Stuart dives into a discussion at the UCF Exchange on how noise comes in many forms. When we begin to remove noise, we can start to see what is meant to be through acknowledging where we stand and the direction we desire to move forward into as we actually do- one step at a time. By intentionally removing the noise in your life, you can shake off the dirt and get clear on all the ways you can allow beautiful creations to happen!

  • Noise: Noise comes in many forms. In essence, noise can be seen as the effect of a mismatch- where something is not working with grace and ease. Noise can range and simultaneously be both physiological and psychospiritual.
  • Focus On The Fundamentals: When you don’t know which way to go, you can turn towards the fundamentals, ensuring they are sound as they will always bring you forward.
  • Remove What Is Competing Against You: Here, we can take inventory of the choices that are potentially competing against us- so that we can re-evaluate and let go of what is not working so that what is can take hold and we can see and move forward with greater clarity.
  • Sleep Is Not Just About Sleep: It’s about processing the day. It’s a third of our lives back. Just like diet, our lifestyle, can also work for rather than against us. How can we end the war? How can we learn to surrender and listen to process the turmoil and hold space for the desirable to come about by choosing it before it choose us back. Working on ourselves in this way can be seen as mini leap of faith as it takes the removal of time and space to access what is in the now moment. Exercising patience, a being at peace with the process, and an openness to the true yields progress immediately.
  • Walking Forward: As you identify the noise that is a continual part of life and embrace your creative abilities as the creator of your world, you will begin to walk forward on solid ground rather than feigning victim or falling prey to what you wish life was or is. Instead, you can begin to turn towards what is and work with it- development- knowing that this is the way through and this is the way to directly bring your desires about. Acknowledging yourself as the creator of your reality at all times- brings your power back and allows you to become the eye of the storm in the midst of the ever changing. Next time noise hits, try saying thank you, THANK YOU- until you mean it and experience the intimate connection that is always available if we so choose. The initial choice here is to connect and be with versus the typical disconnect, avoid, bury, judge- you are not common so stop choosing the common and comfortable choices that suffocate your creative abilities. Instead, choose your power and choose your growth by choosing yourself.

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More Resources

Check out our Mind Body Reset right here. This 6 week course is where you will have the opportunity to send your mind and body an empowering, new message of safety and peace through your presence and the same mindset, diet, lifestyle techniques and holistic therapies that I use in my private practice- as you establish a new baseline for your health and well-being and build a relationship with it based on the truth about healing.

For more information, support and a tried and true springboard that can help you address the fundamentals and unlock your power to heal, make sure to schedule a free holistic consultation and check out! To learn more about holistic healthcare and working with Dr. Brooke in private practice, check here.