Tony Robbins UPW Miami Event
UPW with Tony Robbins in Miami
Last weekend I went to UPW with Tony Robbins in Miami for the second time this year. Since the first time, in LA, in March, so much has changed.
I’m happy to write about my experience of the event, takeaways, and personal lessons if there is enough interest, just let me know?
But being alongside thousands and thousands [13,000 in Miami, 15,000 in LA] of growth oriented people in it of itself is life changing. The tears, the laughter, the dancing, it’s heart opening. You can feel the pain, the courage, the confidence, the insecurity and absolute certainty in built – within all of us – and the decision to let go and grow: to stop the excuses, move through the fear and to finally, acknowledge what is within and choose your own path forward, actually feels tangible. It’s beautiful.
One of the things I love most about Tony Robbins is that he is a true leader- he gives himself permission to go there, to be proud, to work hard, to give, to love, to create, to care, and to share his journey, the ups and the downs, with his head held high.
It’s something, I’ve been thinking a lot about, how we take experiences from ourselves before we even give ourselves the opportunity to step into them.
And I think it’s about time that we stop asking for permission, actually see ourselves as we are, take ownership and be the leaders of our own lives in this way… because what you want, wants you too- it is placed inside of you, perfectly, for a reason- and what if you just simply acknowledged that and took a first step? Who knows where it could take you. #letgoandgrow
p.s. I’m actually going to make a community emoji guide, but in this community, ✌🏼 stands for victory. 💗🔥🔥