Brain Power Stack Supplements

As a holistic doctor and entrepreneur, I am always looking for ways to up my game! Having your very own brain stack and knowing how to identify what does and doesn’t work specifically for you is a skill worth mastering.

In my practice, I, first, make sure a core supplement protocol is intact as a solid foundation before we dive into working with brain stacks to strategically make moves that support high performance at will. With that said, here are some of my personal and professional favorites.

  • Nicotinamide Ribosode: as a way to support NAD+, part the Red Sea, focus and make decisions with increased clarity.
  • NAC: as an opener, optimizing energy and assisting the system in releasing the old to let the new take hold. Yes, it literally helps with addictive traits.
  • Guarana: is my caffeine of choice. I like it because it’s dosable, portable and full of health benefits that relax my system as much as they energize it.
  • L-Theanine: cultivates a nice calm, focused, coherent state, like coming off of a good meditation. I often pair L-Theanine with Gingko Biloba for creative, work flow states and L-Theanine with Rescue Remedy to work through trauma and stressful experiences.
  • Gingko Biloba: brings blood flow right to the brain and opens up the lungs (similar to NAC). It is notable for its positive impact on memory as well!
  • Alpinia Galanga: patented as enXtra, is incredible for focus. If I need to deep dive into researching or writing or another internal endeavor, enXtra is my go to.

Although the above are relatively safe in general, you are unique, original, one of a kind, and not general! Therefore, I recommend engaging in an intentional self-study and bringing each supplement into a therapeutic trial and review, after a core protocol is in place- as what works wonders for one person might not have the same effect on another.

For my specific brand recommendations and 15% off all supplements, sign up for my online dispensary right here: or book a free consultation, where I can guide you to the best of my ability inside or outside my practice and programs

Additional Holistic Resources

Resources From Dr. Brooke Stuart / Let Go & Grow®

  • For more holistic resources, sign up for our Free Let Go & Grow® Membership, where you will receive instant access to the heart based practice, a simple 3 min. meditation, a wellness workshop designed to optimize mental health & well-being, and so much more.
  • For Let Go & Grow Publishing House books including the LG&G Holistic Guide Book, LG&G Journal, and the children’s book series Let’s Grow With Zo, check here.
  • For more information, support and a tried and true springboard that can help you address the fundamentals and unlock your power to heal, make sure to schedule a free holistic consultation and check out our Let Go & Grow® Mind Body Reset, a 6 week reset program. To learn more about holistic healthcare and working with Dr. Brooke in private practice, check here.