Actually, I Can- On Liberating Myself
In this episode of heartbeat, we dive into a discussion on the words “I can” and how liberating it can be to enter into a state of expansion and mobilize in this way. While enculturation and certain life experiences may message that you can’t do something, or place limitations on what you can do- the truth is that you can and with the right self talk you can begin to explore how even if you wind up deciding to go a different route. In essence, this video is about listening for your voice so you can hear it and make the choices that are simply for you.
- When You Hear Your Voice, Hear It: When it sounds like freedom, let it. When it feels like peace, feel it. This is a part of recognizing the parts of yourself that have been covered up in order to find in a way that feels like you never left, like coming home.
- Breaking Generational Curses: When you see a pattern that does not work, see it, and let the light of your awareness and power of choice send the trajectory of your life and lives you touch a new, empowering message. Through having the courage to observe and pivot, without faulting yourself or another or blaming enculturation yet equally understanding it, you not only drop into change you begin to experience it. This is how connection and presence can set you free, giving you the unadulterated opportunity to take a new path, making it that much easier for others to do the same.
- Perception is the Medicine: Just like challenges and opportunities can be seen as one in the same, gracious limitations can act as a catalyst to redirect and pivot. Getting caught up in what we can’t do and confinement of restriction is more often than not just a state of mind- that can easily be shifted.
- Yes, I can and How?: Certain perceptions and questions that evoke new answers create a state of expansion and mobilize the system. Instead of shutting yourself down, remove the I can’t- for I can and how changes the game, shifting you into a healthy, mobilized state based on solution orientation. Don’t be the one to take it away from yourself.
- Let Your Vision Be Your Guide: You have a vision for yourself and for your life, and it is important not to let anyone or anything, including outdated belief systems, to get in the way of that. I’ve come to learn that being on your own team means grace, space, decisive action, compassion and a continual making the best choice available to you- practically, this can trickle into how you see and speak to yourself, if you encourage yourself and how you build the dynamic ecosystem of your life. Is your life built from love to support or from fear to tear you down? If the latter, pivot to the former, and allow yourself to move on from the ways that no longer serve you, intentionally growing the love through simply, focusing on it- making it safe to hear and to see yourself and your vision come to life through you executive decision to, as a throughline, keep your vibration incredibly high by turning on the light, time and time again.
Not sure where to begin? You can always reconnect, reset and remember, through heart based practice, our simple 3 min. meditation right here.
More Resources
- To learn about different meditation methods, please check this article here.
- For inspirational Growth Stories from our community, please check out our Let Go & Grow posts here.
- For more information, support and a tried and true springboard that can help you address the fundamentals and unlock your power to heal, make sure to schedule a free holistic consultation and check out! To learn more about holistic healthcare and working with Dr. Brooke in private practice, check here.
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