Welcome to the twelfth issue of heartbeat, the life of the Let Go & Grow Community! I am so happy you are here. Here, you will continue to receive direct messages, practical tips and all of my favorite recommendations on all things health x growth- straight to your inbox every Sunday morning.

To keep it simple, I will only choose 5. 5 carefully curated recommendations and resources that can directly impact your health, well-being and whole life experience.

Think session notes, new exercises, supplements, health gadgets, podcasts, books, recipes and more.

So let’s get started shall we?.. with 5.

1. Session Note From The Week
Be on your own team. Build yourself up. Even if it feels like just words or just some choices, use them kindly and choose them wisely- until you mean it. Learning how to yourself is a continual process that requires continual commitment, attention and connection, and language and action, based on love, is great path way forward into a deeper experience and a more resilient foundation.

2. Healthy Tip To Consider
Resistant starch is a type of starch that resists digestion, by passing through the stomach and small intestine, reaching the colon intact. In this way, resistant starch actually balances blood sugar, promotes weight loss, decreases inflammation, and improves digestion and elimination. There are four types of resistant starch that you can read more about here- but I like to recommend oats, green bananas, and cooked and cooled white rice and all varieties of potatoes- because these forms are readily available easy to implement naturally in the diet. This type of starch has a low calorie content, feeds healthy gut bugs and can keep you fuller longer.

3. Let Go & Grow Quote
“When you don’t know which way to go, go within.” – quote taken directly from the Let Go & Grow Program.

Over the past 4 years, we are proud to see the Let Go & Grow program continue to develop and gain more traction as it assists more NCAA and professional teams, hospital systems, small businesses, organizations, my patients and community here. Although the core of the program will remain the same, we are about to dive into a revamp that will allow us to reach more people. In this, we will be upping the price point to $1200 by the end of the year- so if you are interested in joining, you can still join now to receive every iteration and lifetime access at its current price of $397.

4. Overnight Oats Recipe
Overnight oats are a perfect form of resistant starch and such a delicious breakfast, lunch, dinner or snack option. As you know, I like easy recipes, so here we go…

Ingredients: 1/2 cup of unsweetened, alternative milk (I like almond), 1 tbsp. of chia seeds, 1/2 cup of rolled, gluten free oats.

Directions: add all of the ingredient in a mason jar, stir and add any additional toppings. I like almond and- or sunflower seed butter, blueberries, cinnamon a dash of sea salt and sometimes even vanilla collagen powder (which make take more alt. milk to accommodate). Finally, place in the fridge and leave over night, voila! Practical magic.

For all of the ingredients + more topping ideas, check my Overnight Oats Amazon list here.

5. More Resistant Starch Ideas
There are so many forms of resistant starch- so I compiled a shopping list here for you to check out… If you have any questions, be sure to let me know. Many people place the powder versions in soups, smoothies and in baked goods.

For more resources and recommendations, you can stay up to date through my Amazon Store right here.

Finally, if you have a question, a specific interest or would like to reach out and share your favorite point, feel free to tag me on Instagram @drbrookestuart with the hashtag #letgoandgrow:[ex: @drbrookestuart #letgoandgrow] so that I can offer a solution, re share your experience and create more content relevant to you.

Through heartbeat, I will continue to share popular favorites and bring the best of what I learn and teach each week to this community.

This newsletter is a living, breathing thread, meant to be an ongoing dialogue and an experiential journey- intentionally created to be a gift each week, and I will always honor you and treat it that way.

If you love heartbeat and would like to share it with a friend, feel free to send them this link!

Here’s to your growth!



P.S. If you haven’t already connected through Instagram and Facebook, make sure to do so. Through these platforms, I am able to provide empowering information throughout the week and spontaneously story and answer questions through live Q & A’s!

For more information, support and a tried and true springboard that can help you address the fundamentals and experience the power you are meant to have, make sure to schedule a free consult and check out the Let Go & Grow Tool Kit, which is paired with a private LG&G Facebook Group for community support. We would love to have you in there! This is the exact process I teach my patients and apply in my own life, and have seen time and time again become a catalyst for radiant health, freedom and a life lived true to you.

Disclosure: This post may contain affiliate links, meaning that our company may receive a commission on the recommendations, at no additional cost to you. We mention these products and services because we believe that they can be helpful and promise to only recommend products or services that align with our core values.